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AYSO Select Teams

Region 5 Select Teams

What is the AYSO Select Team Program all about?

Fountain Valley, Region 5 operates a select team program immediately following the regular season for boys and girls in the U08, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U19 age brackets. The objective of the program is to provide an opportunity for players to play at a higher level than is possible in the regular season. Coaches are chosen through an application process by committee. Teams can begin practices as soon as coaches ask players to join the program. The season begins November 1st and ends July 31st. Most teams play in the HI5 Tournament & Area Play-Offs in  and then start up again when area/section playoffs have ended. Some teams play in a local Spring Select League in addition to participating in a few tournaments while other teams travel and compete in tournaments only. There is also the Beach Classic Tournament in Huntington Beach.


Any player who is registered with Region 5 in the Fall season and who played in at least 75% of their games during the regular season is eligible to participate on a select team; upper division players requirement is only 50%. Players who receive an excessive amount of yellow and/or red cards may not be allowed to participate in the program. Players shall not have been disciplined for violent conduct by Region 5 or by another club program. Players who played up in an older age bracket during the Fall season, at the discretion of the Regional Commissioner, may play in his/her standard age bracket in the select season.

Level of Play

All of the teams that play in the various Spring leagues and tournaments are Select or AYSO Extra teams, this means that level of play is significantly higher than in the regular AYSO season. Players are in better condition, the game is more physical and players are expected to be committed to improving their skills.

Player Selection

Players are selected individually by the select team coach(s) in the month of October. Players are chosen based on their play in the regular season as well as other factors. Some factors that can play a part in a player being selected include: skill, speed, effort, and understanding of the game, practice habits, positional needs and team chemistry as well as family dynamics. Availability for practice and family volunteer commitment also play a significant role. Player selection is the responsibility of the appointed head coach and his/her decision is final. Decisions cannot be appealed. Unlike the regular season, the select team program is selective and not every player who is interested is guaranteed to play. Coaches are not guaranteed that their regular season players are by default automatically placed on their select team. Rosters are approved by the Regional Commissioner.


Practices are usually held twice a week on days chosen by the select coach. Practices for regular season teams take priority over select practices until the player's regular season is complete, including area playoffs. Since there is limited practice space available, teams may practice on weekends. Lights will be available for select teams to use on dates to be later determined by the Regional Commissioner.

Playing Time

Select teams operate under AYSO national guidelines, which means players are guaranteed to play at least half of each game and most coaches give their players close to equal playing time.

Player Commitment

Players are expected to make a serious commitment to their select team. While some players are involved in other sports, most coaches require that select team practices and games take precedence over other sports. Players need to make a decision to commit to the coach and the team, otherwise it is unfair to the other committed players. Coaches should make it very clear to parents and players what they plan to do with the team, whether it is to join a Spring league, compete in a couple of tournaments or play all season through July. Players are selected and thus can be "un-selected" if a coach is having problems with a player or parent. These issues should be discussed with the Regional Commissioner before making a decision.

Parental Commitment

The select team program operates very differently than regular season. Each team is responsible for registering for leagues, applying to tournaments, and handling its own finances. Parents need to be financially responsible to the team. The coaches have enough to worry about and all parents are expected to help. Teams that provide certified referees have a better chance of being accepted into tournaments and also having referee deposits returned to the team.


Most if not all coaches are actively involved in the current Fall season; have at least several years of coaching experience, and must hold the appropriate AYSO coaching certificates. Most teams have assistant coaches who also have AYSO coaching experience. Coaches must complete an application stating their interest in wanting to participate in the select team program. Coaches are then appointed by the Select Team Committee. They are coaches who the committee feels will best follow the AYSO philosophies, be able to develop the skills of the players and who will appropriately represent Region 5 as they compete. Coaches are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and positive coaching. Region 5 requires that after every tournament each team must complete a "Report to the Region" and submit it to the Regional Commissioner. This ensures that we are aware of any incidents that may have occurred and to know how each team is doing in competition.


There are many tournaments in California, Nevada and Arizona that our teams can go. Each tournament has an application process that must be completed by the team and may participate with the approval of the Regional Commissioner. Tournaments can be found on the AYSO national site at: and then click on Events and then on Tournaments. AYSO National Games are held every two years with teams selected through a lottery. The National Games is an opportunity to bring together different regions and sections to share in the diverse soccer culture of the AYSO family. This occasion focuses on sportsmanship, team spirit and making new friends through the activities and events that are offered during this weeklong event.

Contact Us

AYSO Region 5

17870 Newhope Street 104-482, ** PO BOX ONLY **
Fountain Valley, California 92708

Email Us: [email protected]